Right Ear Tip Orientation
Left ear coding is complete. Use the next sequence of keys to code the right ear. Before you begin, indicate that you are coding the right ear by marking an "R" in the appropriate space (Ear*) on your coding sheet.
Please code the ear tip orientation as follows:
- (V) Ear tip upright (see a below) - please continue here
- Ear tip oriented towards the rear of the vertical (see d below) - please continue here
- (H) Tip pointing out to the side on the horizontal (see g below) - please continue here
- (O) Tip pointing out to the side around 45 degrees above the horizontal (see figure at lower left) - please continue here
- (G) Ear touching ground - please continue here
- (Z) Position of tip unknown - please continue here
(Schenkel, 1947; Fig. 26)
(Schenkel, 1947; Fig. 25)