your home directory /u/psmith
web content gets delivered from directory public_html
you want to restrict (or not) public_html/semi_secret/
passwords will get stored in webpasswords
web page username is to be bertie
password is to be wooster
discriptive text is how Jeeves organises his pantry
the text editor you know pico
Arrange that you have no file .htaccess, or at any event the file contains no deny or Require lines.
cd ~/public_html/semi_secret
ls -A
rm .htaccess
Suppose you are writing strictly for in-house use, and for readers who will find passwords a burden.
cd ~/public_html/semi_secret
pico .htaccess
chmod a+r .htaccess
Make the file read something like this:
Require host
Require host
But perhaps there are glitches in computer name lookup:
Require ip
Require host
Require host
First create the password.
cd ~
touch webpasswords
chmod 644 webpasswords
htpasswd -b webpasswords bertie wooster
Then set up things so that the password gets used.
cd ~/public_html/semi_secret
pico .htaccess
chmod a+r .htaccess
Make the file read:
authtype basic
authuserfile /u/psmith/webpasswords
authname "how Jeeves organises his pantry"
require user bertie
cd ~/public_html/semi_secret
pico .htaccess
chmod a+r .htaccess
Make the file read:
authtype basic
authuserfile /u/psmith/webpasswords
authname "how Jeeves organises his pantry"
Require host
Require user bertie
Permissions are inherited. The first, parent file applies to the extent the second does not over-rule it.
Present yourself as an outsider, even though inside, by using an anonymous proxy like or
A.E. December 2013